ETMI5: Explain to Me in 5

In this week’s content, we will do an in-depth exploration of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), an AI framework that enhances the capabilities of Large Language Models by integrating real-time, contextually relevant information from external sources during the response generation process. It addresses the limitations of LLMs, such as inconsistency and lack of domain-specific knowledge, hence reducing the risk of generating incorrect or hallucinated responses.

RAG operates in three key phases: ingestion, retrieval, and synthesis. In the ingestion phase, documents are segmented into smaller, manageable chunks, which are then transformed into embeddings and stored in an index for efficient retrieval. The retrieval phase involves leveraging the index to retrieve the top-k relevant documents based on similarity metrics when a user query is received. Finally, in the synthesis phase, the LLM utilizes the retrieved information along with its internal training data to formulate accurate responses to user queries.

We will discuss the history of RAG and then delve into the key components of RAG, including ingestion, retrieval, and synthesis, providing detailed insights into each phase's processes and strategies for improvement. We will also go over various challenges associated with RAG, such as data ingestion complexity, efficient embedding, and fine-tuning for generalization and propose solutions to each of them.

What is RAG? (Recap)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is an AI framework that enhances the quality of responses generated by LLMs by incorporating up-to-date and contextually relevant information from external sources during the generation process. It addresses the inconsistency and lack of domain-specific knowledge in LLMs, reducing the chances of hallucinations or incorrect responses. RAG involves two phases: retrieval, where relevant information is searched and retrieved, and content generation, where the LLM synthesizes an answer based on the retrieved information and its internal training data. This approach improves accuracy, allows source verification, and reduces the need for continuous model retraining.

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Image Source:

The diagram above outlines the fundamental RAG pipeline, consisting of three key components:

  1. Ingestion:
  2. Retrieval:
  3. Synthesis:

💡Unlike previous methods for domain adaptation, it's important to highlight that RAG doesn't necessitate any model training whatsoever. It can be readily applied without the need for training when specific domain data is provided.


RAG, or Retrieval-Augmented Generation, made its debut in this paper by Meta. The idea came about in response to the limitations observed in large pre-trained language models regarding their ability to access and manipulate knowledge effectively.

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Image Source: [<>](<>)

Below is a short summary of how the authors introduce the problem and provide a solution:

RAG came about because, even though big language models were good at remembering facts and performing specific tasks, they struggled when it came to precisely using and manipulating that knowledge. This became evident in tasks heavy on knowledge, where other specialized models outperformed them. The authors identified challenges in existing models, such as difficulty explaining decisions and keeping up with real-world changes. Before RAG, there were promising results with hybrid models that mixed both parametric and non-parametric memories. Examples like REALM and ORQA combined masked language models with a retriever, showing positive outcomes in this direction.