ETMI5: Explain to Me in 5

In the first week of our course, we looked at the difference between two types of machine learning models: generative models, which LLMs are a part of, and discriminative models. Generative models are good at learning from data and creating new things. This week, we'll learn about how LLMs were developed by looking at the history of neural networks used in language processing. We start with the basics of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and move to more advanced architectures like sequence-to-sequence models, attention mechanisms, and transformers We'll also review some of the earlier language models that used transformers, like BERT and GPT. Finally, we'll talk about how the LLMs we use today were built on these earlier developments.

Generative vs Discriminative models

In the first week, we briefly covered the idea of Generative AI. It's essential to note that all machine learning models fall into one of two categories: generative or discriminative. LLMs belong to the generative category, meaning they learn text features and produce them for various applications. While we won't delve deeply into the mathematical intricacies, it's important to grasp the distinctions between generative and discriminative models to gain a general understanding of how LLMs operate:

Generative Models

Generative models try to understand how data is generated. They learn the patterns and structures in the data so they can create new similar data points.

For example, if you have a generative model for images of dogs, it learns what features and characteristics make up a dog (like fur, ears, and tails), and then it can generate new images of dogs that look realistic, even though they've never been seen before.

Discriminative Models

Discriminative models, on the other hand, are focused on making decisions or predictions based on the input they receive.

Using the same example of images of dogs, a discriminative model would look at an image and decide whether it contains a dog or not. It doesn't worry about how the data was generated; it's just concerned with making the right decision based on the input it's given.

Therefore, Generative models learn the underlying patterns in the data to create new samples, while discriminative models focus on making decisions or predictions based on the input data without worrying about how the data was generated.

Essentially, generative models create, while discriminative models classify or predict.

Neural Networks for Language

For several years, neural networks have been integral to machine learning. Among these, a prominent class of models heavily reliant on neural networks is referred to as deep learning models. The initial neural network type introduced for text generation was termed as a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Subsequent iterations with improvements emerged later, such as Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs), Bidirectional LSTMs, and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs). Now, let's explore how RNNs generate text.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of artificial neural network designed to handle sequential data by allowing information to persist through loops within the network architecture. Traditional neural networks lack the ability to retain information over time, which can be a major limitation when dealing with sequential data like text, audio, or time-series data.

The basic principle behind RNNs is that they have connections that form a directed cycle, allowing information to be passed from one step of the network to the next. This means that the output of the network at a particular time step depends not only on the current input but also on the previous inputs and the internal state of the network, which captures information from earlier time steps.

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